Buying Gold: What Are My Options?

If you would like to add gold and other precious metals to your portfolio, you are definitely not alone. When the stock market gets rocky and the future becomes unpredictable, investors often look to precious metals for safety and stability. Whether you want to diversify your holdings, create a buffer for volatile stocks and mutual funds or just experiment with a new asset class, buying gold can be a smart move. But before you call your broker or set up a safe for your gold, you need to understand your options. Here are some key things you need to know about buying gold for your portfolio.

buying gold

Read: This is Why & How to Invest in Gold

Buying Physical Gold Options

There are a number of ways to add physical gold to your portfolio, and some investors prefer the tangibility of these types of assets. If you invest in physical gold, you can hold the metal in your hands and revel in its value. These are your main options if you want to hold gold in its physical form.

  • Metal value coins – Investors can purchase coins with a value based on the actual weight of the precious metal. These coins can be a smart way to invest in gold, and it is relatively easy to determine their value based on the spot price of the precious metal.
  • Collectible coins – If you are looking for an asset that could rise (or fall) in value based on criteria besides the spot price of gold, collectible coins are a good option. The value of these collectible coins can rise and fall on a daily basis, giving investors an additional way to profit from their holdings.
  • Gold bars – There is no more direct way to invest in precious metals than buying the actual gold bars. Like metal value coins, gold bars are valued based on the weight of the metal and its purity, and that makes it easy to buy and sell.

Buying gold can be a smart way to add precious metals to your portfolio, but there are some complicating factors to consider. If you plan to keep your purchases at home, you will need a safe or other secure place to stash your holdings. If you would rather keep your gold somewhere else, you will likely incur storage costs, and that could erode the profits from your investment even if the price of gold ultimately rises.

Investment Options

If you want to invest in gold but do not relish the thought of buying a safe or incurring storage costs, there are other ways to invest. Here are some of the most popular ways to invest in precious metals without owning physical gold.

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