Tips for Saving Money on Your Heating Bill

The cost of utilities is increasing in the U.S. and many other parts of the world. As fall and winter approach, people rely on their heating systems to stay warm. However, with utility costs expected to rise further, keeping your heating system running for long periods may strain an already tight budget. To help manage your heating bill, consider the following tips to save money on your utilities during the cold-weather months.

heating bill

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How to Save Money on Your Heating Bill

Thermal Clothes

People waste a lot of money heating homes instead of dressing appropriately. Wearing warmer clothes can do a lot to stop you from becoming cold. Thermal clothing is especially beneficial when it comes to staying warm when the weather is cold. You can purchase thermal clothing such as underwear, long-sleeved shirts, hats, pants, and socks. You will find them online and in brick-and-mortar stores that sell outdoor gear.

Extra-Warm Comforters

Comforters do not have to be limited to beds. You can use extra-warm winter comforters on the sofas in your home. You can use them to cover yourself and anyone else who lives at home with you while you’re using the living room or the den. Using a comforter while watching TV, scrolling on your phone, or reading will help you avoid losing all your body heat when you are not moving around much.

Keep Moving

Try not to be too inactive when you’re at home. If you remain active by doing housework or home decoration, your body will stay warmer than it otherwise would. Every little movement you make burns energy and helps your body stay warm.

Heating One or Two Rooms

You do not have to turn on the heating in every room of your home. Instead, heat just the one or two rooms you use most often. For example, you might choose to heat your living room and bathroom. If you are worried about sleeping in a cold bedroom, warm it up for half an hour before bed.

Heating only one or two rooms forces your family to be in closer proximity than they might prefer. However, being more sociable can be a positive experience. What’s more, it’s easier to endure the discomfort of physical proximity than put up with an empty belly because you chose to heat rather than eat.

Turn the Heat Off at Night

Once you have all gone to bed for the night, there is no need to leave the heating blasting. If you sleep under a heavy comforter with the heat on, you can overheat even in winter. You will sleep better in a cool or cold bedroom, provided your comforter is warm enough. You don’t need to turn the heat all the way off, just a few degrees lower.

Better Insulation

Your home will lose a lot of heat rapidly if the insulation in your roof and walls is subpar. If your insulation needs updating, it’s wise to bite the bullet and pay to update it. Your new insulation will pay for itself over time because your home will be less costly to heat. Likewise, a well-sealed home will retain heat longer, taking pressure off of your heating system (and heating bill). Use weather-stripping, caulk or spray foam to seal gaps and holes in the home’s perimeter.

Remember Your Windows

Your house can lose significant heat through the windows, primarily due to radiation through the glazing and poor insulation. While checking the insulation of your walls and roof, don’t forget to assess your windows.

If your windows are not at least double glazed, consider investing in new ones. Double or triple glazing can substantially reduce heat loss through the glazing.

Although these upgrades might seem expensive initially, they will save you money on your heating bill in the long run, especially as utility costs continue to rise.

Curtains and Drapes

A thick curtain or drape can serve as an extra layer of insulation on windows during the winter. Plus, when the sun is shining outside, you can open the curtains, drapes, blinds or shutters to let in the warming solar rays.

Hot Drinks

Make and consume plenty of hot beverages to help stay warm during the fall and winter. Hot drinks will not increase your body temperature much, but drinking them is still comforting and helps make you feel a little cozier.

Exclude Draughts

If draughts are blowing in under your doors, you can purchase draught-excluding tape or door seals to fix the issue. When you stop draughts from blowing into your living space, the rooms in your home will feel a lot warmer.

More Money in Your Pocket

By implementing these tips, you can reduce the need to heat your home as much during colder weather. This will help lower your heating bill, allowing you to use the money saved on utility costs for food or other essentials, rather than increasing the profits of energy companies.

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